Colan holiday house rental with internet access, golf, TV and rural retreat


From the manager

  • House
  • 1 bedroom
  • Sleeps 2
  • 3 nights min stay
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Key information

  • Not suitable for children
  • No pets allowed

From the manager

This charming first floor flat is in the town of Newquay in Cornwall and can sleep two people in one room.The Litte Hideaway is a charming first floor flat is set just outside the village of Quintrell Downs off the main road into Newquay. The flat can sleep two people in one double bedroom. There is a bathroom with shower, WC and basin. There is an open plan living room with a double sofa bed, kitchen, breakfast bar and a sitting area. Outside there is a patio garden with furniture and there is off road parking for two cars available. The Litte Hideaway is ideally located for beach holidays and short breaks throughout the year for couples.

Amenities: Electric heating. Electric oven and hob, microwave, fridge. TV with Freeview, DVD, WiFi, selection of books, games and DVDs. Fuel and power inc. in rent. Bed linen and towels inc. in rent. Off road parking for 2 cars Patio garden with furniture. Sorry, no pets and no smoking. Pub and shop 1.5 miles. Please note: This property accepts a minimum of 7 nights only.

Region: Cornwalls visitors are constantly tempted back to the beautiful coastline, tiny fishing villages, hidden coves and the world-class surfing. Whatever the reason, Cornwall has long cemented its place as one of Britains premier holiday destinations.

Town: Newquay is the home of the UKs surf scene, boasting three major beaches, the National Surf Centre and an endless supply of rolling surf, making it a watersports paradise. The town, with its zoo, sea life centre and varied selection of restaurants and pubs, also promises a holiday to remember. For avid walkers, the South West Coast Path passes in both directions along a stunning coastline of high cliffs, hidden coves and yet more beaches.

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Bed & bathroom

  • Bedroom 1: Double Bed
  • 1 Family bathroom


  • Not suitable for children
  • No pets allowed


  • Parking
  • Not suitable for wheelchair users


  • Wi-Fi available
  • Internet access
  • Cooker
  • Microwave
  • Toaster
  • Kettle
  • TV
  • DVD player
  • Linen provided
  • Towels provided

Show all amenities Show fewer amenities





Things to know


This owner does not use online booking. Please contact them and they will be able to offer you a secure way to pay for your stay. Never pay for your holiday rental by wire transfer (such as Western Union or Moneygram) as this type of payment is untraceable.

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No smoking at this property

Manager restrictions

Minimum stay: 3 night

About the manager

Sykes Holiday Cottages
Calendar updated:
06 Sep 2024

Years listed:

Based in:
United Kingdom
Languages spoken: English
This House has 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom and sleeps 2. It has been listed on Holiday Lettings since 16 Jun 2017. Located in Newquay, the average weekly rate varies from £312 to £940.
The property’s calendar was last updated on 06 Sep 2024.
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You'll need to send the property manager an enquiry to book - the owner will let you know how to pay. If they accept online booking they'll send you a quote and info on how to pay. If you pay through our website you’ll be covered by Payment Protection.

If they don’t accept online booking they'll still be able to offer a secure form of payment. Read our top tips on booking safely.

How do I know what it will cost for my stay?

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How do I pay for my holiday?

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How do damage deposits work?

The property manager of this property is responsible for taking and refunding your damage deposit. The damage deposit terms should be agreed before booking and outlined in the booking contract, if the property manager supplies one. Please refer to these details or contact the property manager directly if you have any questions.

How do I cancel my booking?

You'll need to contact the property manager to cancel. They should have provided their contact details when you made your booking - otherwise, email them through the contact form.

How do I edit my booking?

You'll need to contact the property manager to edit your booking. They should have provided their contact details when you made your booking - otherwise, email them through the contact form.

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